Advanced Persistent Threats

SenseOn’s proactive approach to security helps organisations prepare and respond to even the most complex adversaries and advanced persistent threats.

  • Traditional cybersecurity solutions fail to identify APTs

    Point solutions fail to identify today’s advanced persistent threats, allowing attackers to slip through the gaps and travel undetected across a security posture. SenseOn reduces risk by eliminating blind spots and our platform is designed to identify abnormal behaviour unique to your organisation’s environment.

  • Build it.

    Today’s sophisticated attacks rapidly breach perimeter defences and move laterally across systems, often without detection. SenseOn uses a unified data model baselined to your environment with award-winning analytics to contextualize anomalous observations. Automated response and remediation keeps your systems safe 24/7, 365 days a year.

  • Prioritise your resources based on actual risk

    With SenseOn’s capability to provide thorough analysis of genuine threats mapped to the MITRE ATT&CK framework, your team has all the context needed to address threats based on actual risk, rather than sifting through thousands of false positives every day. SenseOn’s SOC services help reduce workload further for organisations wanting additional support in monitoring and response capabilities.

How SenseOn Stops Threats

Find out what SenseOn can do for you.